As I know, the fundamental concept of QFT is Renormalization Group and RG flow. It is defined by making 2 steps:
We introduce cutting-off and then integrating over "fast" fields $\widetilde{\phi}$, where $\phi=\phi_{0}+\widetilde{\phi}$.
We are doing rescaling: $x\to x/L$: $\phi_{0}(x)\to Z^{-1/2}(L)\phi(x)$.
This procedure defines RG flow on the manifold of quasi local actions: $\frac{dA_{l}}{dl}=B\{A_{l}\}$.
In this approach we have such notions as crytical points $A_{*}$, relevant and irrelevant fields, Callan–Symanzik equation etc, and we can apply it, say, to phase transitions.
Also we can introduce stress-energy tensor $T^{\mu\nu}$. And, as far as i know, if we consider scale transformations $x^{\mu} \to x^{\mu}+\epsilon x^{\mu}$ , we can obtain Callan–Symanzik equation, and if the theory have a crytical point: $\beta^{k}(\lambda^{k})=0$, then trace of stress energy tensor $\Theta(x)=T^{\mu}_{\mu}=0$, so our correlation functions have symmetry at scaling transformation.
So the question is: As far as I know, at this point they somehow introduce conformal transformations and Conformal Field Theory. Can you explain, what place in Quantum Field Theory CFT takes? (I mean connection between them, sorry if the question is a little vague or stupid). How it relates to the RG approach exactly? (This point is very important for me). Maybe some good books?