Causality is generally accepted to be a fundamental physical principle. But quantum mechanics is acausal (e.g. there is no 'why' as to the result of a measurement of the position of a particle in an infinite 1D square potential well). In which case what is a distinction between causality and determinism, that has a meaningful non-acausal definition of causality.
It seems to me that "causality = determinism + quantum mechanics". It seems that it doesn't provide any new concepts, it's just a flawed attempt to reconcile determinism with the arbitrary probabilistic nature of QM, which are ultimately unreconcilable. Does anyone agree with this idea? If not, I would like someone to try and convince me that I'm wrong.
I am fully aware that a lot of threads barking up this tree, and I have tried reading many of them, but none seem to crystallize my problem very well.