My friend puzzled me with this: Say I have a container that contains a vacuum and another container inside. And this inner container contains air. Also the outer container material is just barely strong enough to not implode due to the vacuum. If I remove the air from the inner container to outside of the outer container (for example through a tube that can be sealed), would the outer container implode?
My friend says it will implode because the total volume of the whole thing is decreased which leads to decreased inside air pressure. Mathematically, it sounds right. But I thought it was weird because there was really no interaction between the air in the inner container and the outer container in the first place. So my answer is that it will not implode.
But I'm not sure myself. What would actually happen and why?
EDIT: I actually think it will implode if the inner container was a balloon or something due to having less area for the remaining air molecules in the "vacuum" to bounce around. My question is for an inner container that doesn't change shape like a balloon.