IN wald's GR book in chapter 3 This is stated behind the definition of affine connection :
First He showed that if we have two derivative operator $\nabla_a , \tilde\nabla_a$ (both of which consistent with the definition of derivative operator) then at point $p\in M$, for any dual vector field $\omega_b$
$$ (\nabla_a - \tilde\nabla_a)\omega_b $$
will depend only on the value of $\omega_b$ at $p$. That is if $\omega_b^\prime=\omega_b$ at p then
$(\nabla_a - \tilde\nabla_a)\omega_b=(\nabla_a - \tilde\nabla_a)\omega_b^\prime$
Then he implied from above that at $p$, $(\nabla_a - \tilde\nabla_a)$ defines a $(1,2)$ tensor like
$$(\nabla_a - \tilde\nabla_a)\omega_b=C_{ab}^c\omega_c$$
I'm unable to see how his later assertion is connected to the earlier.