Background: (skip it if you know it)
In the easiest formulation of classical electromagnetism magnetic monopoles do not exist. In fact, the Maxwell's equation $\nabla \cdot \vec{B}=0$ implies (using Gauss' Theorem) that the surface integral of the flux of $\vec{B}$ over the bounday of any finite surface is zero. Therefore no isolated magnetic charges (i.e monopoles do exist).
However Dirac discovered that even if a single monopole existed in the universe, we could then explain in a rather easy way why the electric charge is quantized. Note that since the charge is not an observable its quantization is completely different than the quantization of energy or momentum in QM, for example.
Furthermore, in the recent developings of QFT, the theoretical model we usually assume implies that every time a gauge symmetry is broken monopoles (and other kind of topological defects such as solitons) arise. Since in the hot big bang model it is usually belived that many gauge symmetries were broken in a primordial of the universe, monopoles of various kinds (not just magnetic monopoles but also Yang-Mills ones) could (at least this is what teorists say) have been produced.
Up to date, not a single monopole has been found by experiments.
With this in mind I ask the following
Which experiments are currently being carried over to look for magnetic, and other types of, monopoles?