Let's say we compactify the Minkowski space-time through the following coordinate transformation:
$$u=t-r, \\ \Omega=\frac{1}{r},\\ \theta=\theta,\\ \phi=\phi.$$
The conformally rescaled unphysical metric becomes, $$\hat{ds}^2= -\Omega^2 ds^2 = -\Omega^2 du^2 + 2 du d\Omega + d\Omega_2^2,$$ $d\Omega_2^2$ being the metric of a unit 2-sphere.
Now I understand, quite naturally, the conformal factor $\Omega$, goes to zero as $r \rightarrow \infty$. Can someone please give me a proof of how $\nabla_a \Omega = \partial_a \Omega$ is non-zero as $r \rightarrow \infty$? I have also heard claims that if the conformal factor goes like $\Omega = \frac{1}{r^2}$ then $\nabla_a \Omega$ would be zero too but $\nabla_a\nabla_a \Omega$ nonzero instead?