In solving the following problem from Kleppner and Kolenkow
the solution assumes there is a point $C$ along the line joining $m$ and $M$ such that
Both $m$ and $M$ execute uniform circular motion with the same angular velocity $\omega$ about $C$
$C$ is inertial and thus $F=mr\omega^2=M(R-r)\omega^2$ applies
I don't understand how those two statements follow from the fact that each particle executes UCM about the other with angular velocity $\omega$.
The fact that there exists a point $C$ (namely, the center of mass) along the line joining the masses that is inertial does follow from conservation of linear momentum, but this problem is presented before the introduction of the concept of momentum, so I think there should be a way to do it without this. Moreover, I still can't deduce (1) from it.
Any hint would be appreciated.