I really hope someone will take a quick look at the following, I would just love to better understand it...
This exercise is from Arnold's "Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics", p. 97 in the chapter on d'Alemberts principle:
A rod of weight P, tilted at an angle of 60° to the plane of a table, begins to fall with initial velocity zero. Find the constraint force of the table at the initial moment, considering the table as
(a) absolutely smooth
(b) absolutely rough
(In the first case, the holonomic constraint holds the end of the rod on the plane of the table, and in the second case, at a given point.)"
I must admit, I am pretty unsure on how to do calculations using this "fancy" mathematical kind of physics.
First off, I'm lost with (a). But I'll have a go at (b): As far as I understood, d'Alemberts principle states, that if $M$ is a constraining manifold, $x(q)$ is a curve in $M$ and $\xi$ is a vector perpendicular to $T_xM$, then $x$ satisfies Lagrange's equations
$\frac{d}{dt} \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot q} = \frac{\partial L}{\partial q} \qquad L = \frac{{\dot x}^2}{2} - U(x)$
iff for the following inner product, we have
$\left(m \ddot x + \frac{\partial U}{\partial x}, \xi \right) = 0$
I guess that's about right so far? The constraint would in this case essentially be $\mathbb S^1$, since the rod moves on a circe around the point in contact with the table. Can we assume that all the rod's mass is at the center of mass?
Would we then have $U(x) = -gx_2$ in this case (where $x_2$ is the vertical component of $x$)?
If yes, then $\partial U / \partial x = -ge_2$. Where $e_1, e_2$ are the horizontal and vertical unit vectors, respectively.
At the inital moment, we have $x = \cos(60°) e_1 + \sin(60°) e_2$, so by d'Alembert's principle we must have
$\left(m \ddot x + \frac{\partial U}{\partial x}, \cos(60°) e_1 + \sin(60°) e_2 \right) = 0$
or written differently
$m \ddot {x_1} \cos(60°) + m \ddot{x_2} \sin(60°) - \sin(60°)g = 0$
So: Is this correct so far? Or am I way off? Is (a) handled any differently up to this point?
Thanks for reading (and hopefully thanks for your helpful reply)!
If anyone could recommend a good problem book (with solutions), in which this kind of mathematical approach is used (I don't know if this is how physicists would actually compute stuff??), I would greatly appreciate it.
Kind regards,