From some loop calculation in an EFT, I have found the Green's function containing this square root: $$G(\omega, k)\sim \sqrt{\frac{D k^2 \tau- (i+\tau \omega)^2}{(i+\tau \omega)^2(-D k^2 \tau + \omega \tau (2 i + \tau \omega))}}$$ I need to find $G(t, k)$. However, Mathematica command "InverseFourierTransform" cannot do this. Therefore, I restrict myself to the special case $k=0$ $$G(\omega, 0)\sim \sqrt{\frac{-1}{\omega \tau (2 i + \tau \omega)}}$$ Even in this case, "InverseFourierTransform" doesn't work. By $3D$-plotting of the Re and Im parts of $𝐺(\omega,0)$, I found that its analytical structure is a bit strange: there are two branch cuts, one starting from $0$ to $-2i/\tau$ and the other from $-\infty-i/\tau$ to $+\infty-i/\tau$ (see below). I want to understand what is the meaning of a branch cut from -infinity to +infinity at a negative imaginary frequency? In particular, this becomes important when one wants to find $G(t,0)$ by closing the integral contour in $G(t,0)=\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} G(\omega,0) e^{- i \omega t}$ on the lower half of the complex frequency plane.
If anyone could comment on this issue I would be grateful.