I have the following exercise, and I don't understand, I can't find what this multiplication of sines means for a wave, I understand that it occurs in waves with similar amplitude.
Two vehicles are approaching along the same route, traveling in opposite directions at speeds $v_1$, and $v_2$ respectively. Both vehicles have their horns activated which, when at rest, emit a pure sound of $f_0 = 440hz$ and similar intensity.The speed of sound is $v_s = 343m/s$. A microphone records the sound of the horns in a time interval around instant $t_0$, when both vehicles are equidistant from the microphone. Around $t_0$, the microphone measures an amplitude described approximately by $$A(t) = \sin(2π\frac{5}{4}f_0 t)\sin(\frac{π}{100}f_0 t).$$
Find the speed $v_1$ and $v_2$ of the cars.