For projective operators, Suppose we have set of operators $\{P_m\}$ then according to measurement postulate, probability of getting result $m$ is (I believe $m's$ here are eigenvalue. Please correct me if I'm wrong)
\begin{equation} p(m) = \langle\psi|P_m|\psi\rangle \end{equation} But this is same as expectation value of operator $P_m$. Does this mean that probability and expectation value are same for projective operators?
Edit: The same is in the case of POVM. If there is a set of measurement operators $\{M_m\}$, then probability for getting result $m$ is \begin{equation} p(m) = \langle\psi|M_m^\dagger M_m|\psi\rangle \end{equation} Define $E_m = M_m^\dagger M_m$, then \begin{equation} p(m) = \langle\psi|E_m|\psi\rangle = \langle E_m\rangle \end{equation} So does this mean probability of getting a result $m$ and expectation value of that operator is same?