Considering, for example, the baryon octet, we have then that for $L = 0$, $J = 1/2$, as it is made of spin-1/2 particles. Hence, the isospin $I = 1/2$ and so, some of the wavefunctions of the octet are:
- For the proton: $|1/2; 1/2>$
- For the netron: $|1/2; -1/2>$
So far it all makes sense. However, for the sigma particles in the S = -1 row, $I = 1$ since the strange quark doesn't make any contribution to isospin. The question is: if I didn't know what the sigma baryons' spin is, how could I deduce it by just knowing their valence quarks or their isospin?
Thanks in advance.