I am studying about Wigner-Eckart theorem, and I have a question about the reduced matrix element.
Wigner-Eckart theorem: (I follow the terms as in Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wigner%E2%80%93Eckart_theorem)
For a spherical tensor, $T^{(k)}_q$, qth component of rank k tensor operator, and states $|j',m'\rangle,|j,m\rangle$, the matrix element of that tensor can be expressed as:
$$\langle j',m'|T^{(k)}_q|j,m\rangle=\langle j'||T^{(k)}_q||j\rangle\langle j'm'k,q|j,m\rangle$$
Now I consider this tensor in the hyperfine states basis, that is, $|F,m_F\rangle,|F',m'_{F}\rangle$, then according to the Wigner-Eckart theorem the matrix element can be expressed as:
$$\langle F',m'_{F}|T^{(k)}_q|F,m_F\rangle=\langle F'||T^{(k)}_q||F\rangle\langle F'm'_Fk,q|F,m_F\rangle$$
I have seen several data discussing about the dipole transition strength by Daniel A. Steck (https://steck.us/alkalidata/rubidium87numbers.1.6.pdf bottom of pg,6--top of pg7). In those data, they use the rank 1 spherical tensor. In those two pages, they use Wigner-Eckart theorem first:
$$\langle F,m_{F}|er_q|F',m'_F\rangle=\langle F||e\mathbf{r}||F'\rangle\langle Fm_F|F'1m'_Fq\rangle$$
Then they simplify the reduced matrix element further:
$$\langle F||e\mathbf{r}||F'\rangle=\langle J||e\mathbf{r}||J'\rangle\times(Wigner\ 6-j\ symbol)$$
Why can they use Wigner-Eckart theorem on reduced matrix element? That is the most confusing point in my mind.