I am trying to understand the concept of basis change for a pair of entangled particles (in mathematical sense as well as what it means in case of detection on detectors in a Mach-Zehender Interferometer) but I am struggling. Here is what I understand:
Let Alice create a pair of entangled particles be in Horizontal and Vertical polarization ($H$ and $V$) as follows:
$$(1/\sqrt2) (HH+VV).$$
Now, she sends one of this particles to Bob far away and Bob selects a new basis (Left and Right polarization) as follows:
- $L=(1/\sqrt4)(H-iV)$,
- $R=(\sqrt3/\sqrt4)(H+iV)$
Now, the entangled particle equation can be rewritten as (please correct if wrong): $1/\sqrt6(R(H-iV)) + 1/\sqrt2(L(H+iV))$
Queries: After choosing this new basis Bob decides to measure each particle in $L/R$ basis, and later Alice decides to send each corresponding particle through classical Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (with equal arms length, two $H/V$ polarizers, two detectors $Det_c$ and $Det_d$ for constructive and destructive interference respectively):
- For each particle what is the probability of Bob detecting the particle in $L$ vs $R$ polarization respectively.
- For all particles with Bob detected with $L$ polarization, how does the corresponding entangled particle detected in the interferometer with Alice.
- Similarly, For all particles with Bob detected with $L$ polarization, how does the corresponding entangled particle detected in the interferometer with Alice.
I am trying to understand what this equation means and what will show up in practical terms in an experiment. But I am lost. My background is not in physics thus I am struggling without being able to make much sense out of it. Can someone please explain (assume a layman)?