This question references an argument appearing as Reference 1 in the paper Entropy and Area, written by Srednicki. The aim of the argument is to demonstrate that, for a bipartite quantum system, one can compute the entropy associated to either side of the partition, and they will be equal.
The argument achieves this by showing that the reduced density matrices, associated to the subsystems on either side of the partition, have the same eigenvalues:
Let $|0\rangle = \sum_{ia} \psi_{ia} > |i\rangle_{\mathrm{in}}|a\rangle_{\mathrm{out}}$, so that $\rho_{\mathrm{in}})_{ij} = (\psi \psi^\dagger)_{ij}$ and $(\rho_{\mathrm{out}})_{ab} = (\psi^T\psi^*)_{ab}$. Now it is clear that $\mathrm{Tr}\rho_{\mathrm{in}}^k = \mathrm{Tr}\rho_\mathrm{out}^k$ for any positive integer $k$. This can only be true if $\rho_{\mathrm{in}}$ and $\rho_{\mathrm{out}}$ have the same eigenvalues, up to extra zeros.
I understand how to get to the relation of $\mathrm{Tr}\rho_{\mathrm{in}}^k = \mathrm{Tr}\rho_\mathrm{out}^k$, but the final statement is giving me trouble. My work so far is to use the fact that the reduced density matrices $\rho_{\mathrm{in}}$ and $\rho_{\mathrm{out}}$ are Hermitian, and so we can consider a basis in which they are diagonal. In such a basis, taking $\alpha_i$ to be the eigenvalues of $\rho_{\mathrm{in}}$ and $\beta_i$ to be the eigenvalues of $\rho_{\mathrm{out}}$, the trace relation becomes, \begin{align} \sum_{i=1}^{N} \alpha_i^k = \sum_{j=1}^M \beta_j^k, \quad k \in \mathbb{Z}^+ \end{align} and generally we suppose $M>N$, i.e. that our `out' subsystem is larger. This feels like it should be sufficient to demonstrate that all the $\alpha_i$'s are equal to the $\beta_i$'s, plus some extra zeros, as this is quite a restrictive constraint for two sets of numbers to possess this equality for any $k$. However, I'm having trouble finding the correct argument for it.