First, the electromagnetic frequency spectrum, (EFS) is just a definition. It represents the change in intensity of the electric field and the magnetic field and they are defined as being at right angles to each other. The frequency is defined as the inverse of the average time from one null to the next or one peak to the next peak in field intensity.
Don’t confuse the properties of light with the properties of light’s interaction with the medium in which it is traveling.
If light had a magnetic property, it would be affected by a magnetic field in a pseudo vacuum. It isn’t.
If light had an electric property, it would be affected by an electric field in a pseudo vacuum. It isn’t.
Light, in fact, is a particle of energy that scientists have called a photon.
The “frequency” property of light is set by the distance between the photons that are emitted in a linear path to the detector, the eye. When the photon strikes the detector (eye), it is believed that its energy releases an electrical charge that the brain can sense and ultimately give an image if enough photons are received.
Light is in fact no more a part of the EFS than sound is.
Sound can be an acceptable analogue for light, where sound is the externala mechanical moving of existing medium particles and light is the generation of particles. Sound has two frequency components when viewed in a singular linear path. First is the spacing of the medium particles (which has a large swing in frequency/period when reaching the detector (ear)). It would be interesting to see if this frequency had any affect on the ear. Second is the spacing of the “pressure’ peaks or nulls. This is what the ear senses and the brain converts.
Keep in mind that the classic right angle sine wave representation of the EFS is just a representation and doesn’t actually exist. It is just to help us understand the properties we can observe. Unconfined light and sound emanations are spherical in nature.
It’s a shame that our science community refuses to admit they were wrong in claiming light was a part of the EFS.