This has started to bug me more and more… it involves:
- colour theory
- the trichromatic properties of our eyes through cone cells
- and light.
Is there a one-to-one relationship between colour theories and our trichromatic vision? Are colour theories — the subtractive and additive properties of colour — strictly a by-product of our trichromatic vision?!
Could our colour theories also hold some truth in, say tetrachromatic vision (if both vision had an identical electromagnetic radiation range)?
Imagining we had perfect RGB screen technology, capable of reproducing all the colours within our visible spectrum range (400nm—700nm). Could you, if you had tetrachromatic vision, use the same RGB screen and still see all the colours in your "visible spectrum" of the same range?
Could you use this perfect RGB screen technology if, while trichromatic, your cone cells were "tuned" to different frequencies (but still covered the identical "visible light" range)?!
Math can be applied regardless of the base you're using (binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal, etc.). I would like to think colour has a similar beauty to it.