Consider a quantum system described by the wave function $\psi({\bf x}, t)$ and subjected to a time-independent ordinary potential $V({\bf x})$. The relative Schrödinger equation takes the form: $$\underbrace{\left (-\frac {\hbar ^2 \nabla ^2}{2m} + V({\bf x}) \right)}_{\hat H ({\bf x}, \ {\bf p})} \psi({\bf x}, t) = i \hbar \frac \partial {\partial t}\psi({\bf x}, t)$$
Using separation of variables, we write the solution as $\psi({\bf x}, t) = \varphi ({\bf x}) \ \phi(t) $, where:
- $\phi(t) = \exp(-\frac i \hbar Et)$ solves the equation $ \displaystyle i \hbar \frac d {dt} \phi(t) = E \phi(t)$ , with $E$ constant.
- $\varphi({\bf x})$ solves the equation $H({\bf x},{\bf p}) \varphi ({\bf x})= E \varphi({\bf x}) $
Question. Is this the most general solution? Or is it just a particular one for a specific guess (a factorized solution)?