Answer 1 gives a solid explanation, but it can be made clearer and more approachable.
In simple terms, under Einstein's theory of general relativity, spacetime is smooth and continuous, and the speed of light is always constant. This means that in a vacuum, light of all kinds—whether it's high-energy light like ultraviolet or gamma rays or low-energy light like infrared or radio waves—travels at the same speed. That speed is about 299,792,458 meters per second.
However, loop quantum gravity (LQG) tries to combine quantum mechanics and general relativity. This theory suggests that, at extremely tiny scales (smaller than we can directly observe), spacetime might not be smooth. Instead, it might be made up of tiny, discrete building blocks, sort of like a fabric made of individual threads. This idea is very different from how we usually think about spacetime.
Now, if LQG is correct, it could mean that the speed of light might not always be constant, especially for very high-energy photons like gamma rays. The idea is that these high-energy photons, with their short wavelengths, might interact with this "grainy" structure of spacetime, and as a result, they could be slowed down a little. In contrast, low-energy photons with longer wavelengths, like radio waves, are too "big" to notice the fine structure of spacetime, so they would keep traveling at the usual speed.
In this way, it’s possible that higher-energy light could travel slightly slower than lower-energy light under certain conditions. However, this is still just a theory. There hasn't been any experimental proof to show that this actually happens in the real world. Scientists have looked for signs of this effect by studying things like gamma-ray bursts from faraway galaxies, but so far, the evidence isn’t clear.
Locally—meaning in the kinds of experiments we can do here on Earth—light always seems to travel at the same speed, no matter what. The difference in speed would only show up over very large distances or in extreme situations, according to these theories.
In short, while the idea that light’s speed could vary based on its energy is intriguing and a possibility in some quantum gravity theories, it hasn’t been proven yet. As far as we know from experiments, all light travels at the same speed in a vacuum.