I am reading up on Chern-Simons matter theories in $d=3$. Here is the quote (from https://doi.org/10.7907/F9V6-HD05 page 15) that I am having trouble with:
One could also add a supersymmetric Chern-Simons term for the gauge multiplet. This restricts one to at most N = 3 supersymmetry. However, in the presence of a Chern-Simons term alone (i.e., no Yang-Mills term), the gauge field is nonpropagating, and with a clever choice of matter content and superpotential, one can obtain very large amounts of supersymmetry
Context: The discussion is about possible supersymmetric constructions using vector multiplets. There are two things I do not understand:
Is it true that in the presence of a CS term alone (No Yang-Mills, no matter), the supersymmetry is limited to ${\cal N}=3$. If so, why?
I understand that when we add matter in a clever way one can obtain extended supersymmetry (as in the ABJM paper https://arxiv.org/abs/0806.1218). What I don't understand is that what does have to do with the gauge field being non-propagating??
I guess that the answer to my second question lies in the answer to the first. Any help?