I have some trouble understanding transformation rules of basis vectors. My question/goal is to obtain a mathematical derivation to see why basis vectors transform covariantly and other vectors (components) contravariantly. I have three questions.
Question 1: why can't I use the vector component transformation equation (with $R_{ji}$) to transform each components of the old basis vectors into the new ones? It should work for any vector right?
Question 2: why is $R_{ji}$ sometimes expressed as $\frac{\partial x^{'i}}{\partial x^j}$ as I have read in some sources?
Question 3: as the change of basis should be independent of any vector in particular why do I still have vector component terms in my derivation?
As I have learned the components of a vector transform under coordinate transformation as
\begin{equation} V'^i=\sum_j R_{ji}V^j \end{equation}
where $R_{ij}$ is a rotation matrix.
Now of course the vector V itself is a geometrical object and independent of coordinates. The vector should be defined as follows:
\begin{equation} \boldsymbol{\vec{V}}=V^i\boldsymbol{\hat{e}_i} \end{equation}
So I tried to express the vector in both old coordinate terms and new ones:
\begin{equation} \boldsymbol{\vec{V}}=V^i\boldsymbol{\hat{e}_i}=V'^i\boldsymbol{\hat{e}^{'}_i} \end{equation}
\begin{equation} \sum_j R_{ji}V^j \boldsymbol{\hat{e}^{'}_i}=V^i\boldsymbol{\hat{e}_i} \end{equation}
And therefore
\begin{equation} \boldsymbol{\hat{e}^{'}_i}=\frac{V^i}{\sum_j R_{ji}V^j }\boldsymbol{\hat{e}_i} \end{equation}
This seems strange since the new basis vector should not depend on any particular vector. When I try to set the components of the vector equal to one in order to just leave us with the basis vectors I find the following expression:
\begin{equation} \boldsymbol{\hat{e}^{'}_i}=\frac{1}{\sum_j R_{ji}}\boldsymbol{\hat{e}_i} \end{equation}
is this equal to $R_{ij}$ and would this imply covariant transformation? I have a big feeling that my derivation is very wrong since my knowledge lacks at linear algebra.
I hope someone can answer (some of) these questions. Thank you in advance!