I'm studying electromagnetism and I'm a little confused on what this textbook says:
The highlighted part is what makes me confused. First thing, "The difference in potential energy is equal to the negative of the work done by the electric field", isn't work done by a force? How can work be done by an electric field?
Second question, If I have two plates like this:
the work done by the electric force is positive since the force is in the same direction of the movement. If in the same two plates, I had a negative charge on the right side (negatively charged plate), the electric field would still go in the same direction, from positive to negative, but the electric force, being $\vec F=\vec E q$ would be in the opposite direction (since $q$ in this case is negative), and therefore this force would still do positive work again (same direction of the movement).
Therefore my question is, in the formula:
"$-W_{ba}$" is the work done by what?
Could you help me out please?