I was trying to apply Chasles' theorem to the question attached below. To study the Dynamics I need to apply Chasles' theorem to convert the motion into a combination of rotation about the center of mass and translation of the center of mass.( Problem may be solved without it also)
I have studied in Kleppner and Kolenkow mechanics that when applying Chasles' theorem origin (with respect to which we calculate angular momentum and other origin dependent quantities) must be in an inertial frame. (Attached below.)
I applied Chasles' theorem considering origin to be the center of mass of the rod which is basically the center itself and the answer comes to be correct.
Now, the center of the rod cannot be the origin of an inertial frame because initially it was at rest and later it starts to move after collision with the ball. This has happened in several other problems also related to rigid body dynamics. What is the problem? This is An Introduction to Mechanics, Kleppner and Kolenkow. Clearly written "wrt origin of inertial cordinate system" Am I interpreting this wrong?
The question was Example 35