On researching about observable universe I came across this excellent answer that explained Comoving vs Proper distance: https://physics.stackexchange.com/a/401181/281013
It answered why the edge of present observable universe is objects that are at proper distance <= 46.5 billion light yrs from us presently (even though the universe is 13.8 billion light yrs old). It also explained at t=infinity, the edge of our observable universe will max out at objects that are 62 billion light yrs from us presently.
Any object that is presently >62 billion light yrs away from us will never be visible to us. Ever.
While that itself is a bleak thought (since it raises so many questions around observable universe vs actual (or total) universe and the natural limit that fact will pose on our ability to truly understand the universe fully when we aren’t even seeing ‘everything’ in the universe presently, nor will we ever see in the future. (This is of course assuming we will be staying within the Milky Way by figuring out inter-stellar travel within our galaxy after our sun burns out, but wouldn’t figure out a way for inter-galactic travel via wormholes or something else to the get to the edge of the observable universe somehow.. which we very well could.. so maybe no need to be pessimistic 😊).
Keeping that aside, my question was, that answer as laid out by Pulsar seemed to imply that our particle horizon will be an ever expanding sphere which will max out at radius of 62 billion light yrs. However, my understanding is since the expansion of universe is accelerating, in our ultimate future there will be nothing left in observable universe except the milky way galaxy (and probably the local cluster) since the space that encapsulates all other (even relatively nearby) galaxies would have accelerated by then to be expanding greater than c. And light of even those nearby galaxies that we can see today will no longer be able to reach us.
So how do I square the fact that the observable universe will shrink over time with what the article seemed to suggest that the observable universe will grow over time? Surely I’m missing something.
Any help will be appreciated. I’m new to Stack Exchange so couldn’t post a comment on that thread (need 50 points I guess), hence posing it as a question.