In QFT when we wrote a Lagrangian for a classical field, we switched to Hamiltonian formulation and introduced Poisson Bracket as $$\{A(x,t),B(y,t)\}^{(3)} = \int_{\Sigma_t}d^3z \left( \frac{\delta A(x)}{\delta \phi(z)}\frac{\delta B(y)}{\delta \pi(z)} - \frac{\delta A(x)}{\delta \pi(z)}\frac{\delta B(y)}{\delta \phi(z)}\right) . $$
which I think generalizes to (but improperly)
$$ \{A(x',t),B(y',t)\}^{\Sigma_t} = \int_{\Sigma_t}dz |h|^{1/2} \left( \frac{\delta A(x')}{\delta \phi(z)}\frac{\delta B(y')}{\delta \pi(z)} - \frac{\delta A(x')}{\delta \pi(z)}\frac{\delta B(y')}{\delta \phi(z)}\right) . $$
Where we implicitly chose a preferred spacetime slicing . Will The Poisson Brackets depend on the way I choose to slice the whole manifold? If so, is there a general covariant way to espress Poisson Bracket with explicit dependence on the choise of slicing (in the context for exemple of ADM 3+1 formalism in G.R.? (My goal is to understand how the hamiltonian formalism works and how to recover Lorentz invariance in Special Relativity and General Covariance in G.R. in this formalism)