First of all your expression for the action (the argument of the exponential in the path integral) is wrong. For a general Hamiltonian, function of annihilation and creation operators $a,a^\dagger$, $
H(a,a^\dagger)$, the partition function expressed via path integral is
Z(\beta) & =\Tr e^{-\beta H(a,a^{\dagger})}\\
& =\int D^{2}z(\tau)e^{-S(z,z^{\ast})}\\
S(z,z^{\ast}) & =\int_{0}^{\beta}d\tau\left(z^{\ast}\partial_{\tau}z+H(z,z^{\ast})\right).
So the action $S$ is a functional; a function of the complex fields
$z(\tau)$, $z^{*}(\tau)$. There are also boundary boundary conditions
on such fields (which originate from the trace above). For bosons they are $z(0)=z(\beta)$ (and $z^{\ast}(0)=z^{\ast}(\beta)$).
The integration is over a not well specified space of functions $z(\tau)$
and $z^{\ast}(\tau)$. The procedure can be understood by divinding
the interval $\left[0,\beta\right]$ in $N$ parts. In this case the
integration is over $2N$complex scalars, but then one send $N\to\infty$.
For your system of non-interacting bosons with continuum label $k$ the action would be
S & =\int_{0}^{\beta}d\tau\int_{0}^{k_{0}}dk\left(z_{k}^{\ast}(\tau)\partial_{\tau}z_{k}(\tau)+z_{k}^{\ast}(\tau)h(k)z_{k}(\tau)\right)\\
& =:z^{\ast}G^{-1}z
where in the last line $z$ is a field depending on $\tau$ and
$k$: $z_{k}(\tau)$. Now this action is quadratic in the complex
fields $z,z^{*}$, and the term $e^{-S}$ is an infinite dimensional
Gaussian. The result of the (infinite dimensional) integration is
Z(\beta)=\det G.
This result is simply the infinite dimensional generalization of the
Gaussian integration (for complex variables). Note that the operator
$G^{-1}$ is diagonal in the label $k$ but not in the label $\tau$
(where it acts as differentiation). Going back to the discrete fields
(with $2N$ complex scalars) one can indeed evaluate the determinant
above and one finds the familiar formula
Z(\beta) & =e^{-\beta F(\beta)}\\
F(\beta) & =\beta^{-1}\int_{0}^{k_{0}}dk\ln\left(1-e^{-\beta h(k)}\right).
You can find a detailed derivation of the path integral (and also how to evaluate the determinant) in the appendices of the book by A. Auerbach, Interacting electrons and quantum magnetism.