In theory, it is fairly simple to measure a qubit's state. Let us consider a Ramsey experiment, where the qubit is in the ground state $|0\rangle$ initially. Then by applying a Hadamard gate the qubit becomes a superposition state $|+\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|0\rangle+|1\rangle)$. After waiting for a while the state evolves to $|\psi\rangle=\alpha|+\rangle+\beta|-\rangle$. Finally, we will measure the state to be in $|+\rangle$ with the probability $|\alpha|^2$.
The question is how to measure the qubit to be in $|+\rangle$ real experiment? For example, a very well known way to know if the qubit is in an excited state or in ground state is to apply a dispersive readout, where the resonator's frequency shifts depending on the state of the qubit. However, it seems like it is applicable for $|\sigma_z\rangle$ basis only. Is this method applicable for $|\pm\rangle$ basis as well?