I am working on a project that involves launching a ball through a basket (similar to basketball, but on a smaller scale for now).
I haven't started building the project yet as I wanted to work out all the theory first. However, the system I am thinking of uses a single flywheel configuration, driven by a DC motor, that imparts the launch velocity on a Nerf ball. The launch angle of the ball is controlled by a servo motor. The height of the basket is known, and I am measuring the distance to the basket using a range finder.
For the theory, I wanted to work out a general equation that finds the launch velocity of the ball given the launch angle and X and Y displacement of the basket (Y is the height of the basket and X is the measured distance to the basket). I've already solved this while ignoring air resistance, but since the Nerf balls are very light, I think I should account for air resistance.
I already have the equations for X and Y displacement, accounting for air resistance. They are given below: $$ x = v_{x0}\tau(1 - e^\frac{-t}{\tau}) $$$$ y = (v_{y0} + v_t)\tau(1 - e^\frac{-t}{\tau}) - v_tt$$ Where:
$v_{x0}$ = Horizontal component of launch velocity
$v_{y0}$ = Vertical component of launch velocity
$t$ = Time
$\tau$ = Time constant (defined by $\frac{m}{k}$ where $m$ is the mass of the ball and $k$ is a constant defined drag equation (i.e. $k = \frac{\rho AC_d}{2}$).
(I got the above equations from this video, and the equations depend on linear air resistance. Please let me know if I should use quadratic air resistance instead).
Now, for the project, I want to figure out a way to use the above equations to calculate the initial launch velocity needed to launch the ball given the X and Y displacement of the basket and the initial launch angle. I rearranged the above equations into the below equations to find the initial components: $$ v_{x0} = \frac{x}{\tau(1-e^\frac{-t}{\tau})} $$ $$ v_{y0} = \frac{y + v_tt}{\tau(1-e^\frac{-t}{\tau})}-v_t $$
So, can I use the above equations to solve for my initial velocity? I'm a bit worried that the equations don't fully define the parameters of my trajectory in order to solve for the initial launch velocity.
Also, is there a better way to account for air resistance while keeping the math simpler? Again, I was able to figure it out using a regular parabolic trajectory, which was relatively simple math. Are there some tricks that could let me adjust for air resistance without going through complicated math?