Natural integral (as we will define it) is a distinguished antiderivative of a function that can be understood as interpolation of the sequence of consecutive derivatives to the $-1$. It has a naturally defined integration constant. While it is possible to define natural integral in various ways, it all boils down to the following property:
$$f^{(-1)}(x)=\int_0^x f(t) \, dt+\frac{1}{2} \left(\int_{-\infty }^0 f(t) \, dt-\int_0^{\infty } f(t) \, dt\right),$$
where the integrals in the brackets should be understood in the sense of regularization, if they diverge. The $0$ is not important here and can be replaced by any point, this will not affect the answer.
That said, I wonder, if such natural antiderivative ever appears in physical applications?
As @Qmechanic pointed out, it appears in many areas of physics. I prefer examples from classical mechanics or elementary quantum theory.