I am trying to solve the following exercise from an old worksheet but I don't even know where to start from:
A scalar primary field $\Phi(x)$ of scaling dimension $\Delta$ transforms under special conformal transformations as
$$\delta_{K_\nu} \Phi=2\Delta x_\nu \Phi - K_\nu \Phi \tag{1}$$
where $K_\nu= x^2 \partial_\nu -2x_\nu x^\mu \partial_\mu$
Show that $\Phi^p$ transforms as a scalar primary field for any positive integer $p$.
My thoughts is that I must prove it transforms the way a scalar primary field transforms under special conformal transformations, as follows:
$$\Phi(x) = \frac{\Phi(x')}{(1+2b^\mu x_\mu +b^2 x^2)^\Delta} \tag{2}$$
where $\Delta$ represents the weight, but I don't know how to do this (that is , if it even is the right way of answering the question)