I want to learn the basics of radiative transfer for my reasearch, which is on planetary sciences. I am looking for a book that would give me the basics of radiative transfer (the mathematics involved) so that I can perform numerical modeling of the radiative transfer process in planetary atmospheres and upper surfaces. I started with the book Spectroscopy and Radiative transfer of Planetary Atmospheres, but I feel it is a bit to difficult for me to catch up. I need something like a primer on this subject.
2 Answers
In my opinion, one suitable book for beginners is the S. Chandrasekhar's books called Radiative Transfer (1960). Basic concepts and derivations are very well explained. Again, this is my opinion :).
Chandrasekhar's book is anything but suitable for beginners.
Rob Rutten's course on radiative transfer is classic in the field of stellar atmospheres. It is available here: https://robrutten.nl/rrweb/rjr-pubs/2003rtsa.book.....R.pdf
Dullemond's course covers slightly different areas and it is more introductory: https://www.ita.uni-heidelberg.de/~dullemond/lectures/radtrans_2017/