I get that the lightest mesons are generically the (approximate) Goldstone bosons of spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in the quark sector. I understand that they are spin-0, but why are they necessarily pseudoscalars (odd-parity)? You can see it in this PDG listing of known $\bar q q$-mesons — all the lightest entries are $J^{\pi}=0^-$.
Here is what I know. The generators of axial flavor transformations is given in spin-space (Weyl basis):
$$T_a^A=\begin{pmatrix}T_a & 0 \\ 0 & -T_a\end{pmatrix}=\gamma^5 T_a$$
where $T_a$ is the $N_f\times N_f$ flavor generator. The CCWZ construction tells us that the correct way to incorporate these Goldstone bosons is via:
$$U(x)=\exp \left(\frac{i}{f_\pi}\Pi^a T_a^A\right)$$
where under chiral rotations we have $U\rightarrow R U L^\dagger$ with $R,L\in SU(N_f)$. But how does this transform under parity transformations, or any other discrete transformations for that matter? Anyway, I know that $\bar\psi \gamma^5\psi$ is a pseudoscalar quantity, and therefore $\bar\psi T_a^A \Pi^a\psi$ is a scalar so long as $\Pi^a$ is a pseudoscalar.
How do I piece all these together to show that indeed $\Pi^a$ must be a pseudoscalar? What am I missing?