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Let the floating block have density $\rho_{\text{block}}$ and the density of the liquid be $\rho_{\text{liquid}}$. For simplicity, let's assume the area of cross section to be the same everywhere and equal to $A$. Also let's assume the height of the water after dipping the block to be equal to $d$.
Now if we compute the pressure at the bottom of the container, at any point which is below the floating body, then the pressure there, is due to the weight of fluid above it $+$ the weight of floating block. Here the height of liquid is $L-h$ less than that at other locations (which are not under the floating block). Thus
$$P=\underbrace{\rho_{\text{liquid}} g (d-(L-h))} _{\text{pressure due to liquid}}+ \underbrace{\rho_{\text{block}} g L}_{\text{pressure due to block}} \tag{1}$$
But we know that since the object is stationary, so it's weight is equal to the buoyant force. Therefore
$$\rho_{\text{block}} A g L = \rho_{\text{liquid}} A g (L-h) \quad \Rightarrow \quad \rho_{\text{block}} g L = \rho_{\text{liquid}} g (L-h) \tag{2} $$
Substituting $(2)$ in $(1)$,
$$P=\underbrace{\rho_{\text{liquid}} g (d-(L-h))} _{\text{pressure due to liquid}}+ \underbrace{\rho_{\text{liquid}} g (L-h)}_{\text{pressure due to block}}= \rho_{\text{liquid}} g d$$
But this is exactly the pressure at any other point which is not under the floating block. Therefore, the pressure is same everywhere at the bottom of the container.
When we dip the block in the water, the water level rises is such a way that the pressure at every point at the same depth becomes constant, no matter whther the point is below the block or not below the block. Thus the pressure gets evenly distributed.
Is the increase of pressure at the bottom of the fluid solely due to the increase of height in the fluid? Or, does it also play into the exerted force by the mass onto the fluid? Possibly a combination of both?
Well, here there's the combination of both. When you dipped the block, the pressure due to the weight of the block was redistributed by the rise in water level such that the pressure at the bottom (or at any horizontal surface) became a constant for every point on that surface. So the increased pressure is due to the weight of the block, but the equal pressure distribution of this increased pressure is due to the rise in the level of the liquid.
Note: Although we assumed a constant cross sectional area while deriving the pressure constancy, still the result obtained is very general and true for any shape. This basic outline of the proof can be extended easily to prove the constancy of pressure for any other irregular body.