> The Hamiltonian of the forced harmonic oscillator is $$H(t)=\frac{P^2}{2m}+\frac{1}{2}m\omega^2X^2-qE_0X\cos\omega^{\prime}t \tag{1} $$ Go to the Heisenberg picture and find $$\frac{dX}{dt} \quad \text{and} \quad \frac{dP}{dt}$$ Finally solve for the position operator $$X(t)$$ with $X(0)=X_0$ and $\frac{dX}{dt}\Big|_{t=0}=0$
Going to the Heisenberg picture,
$$X(t) = e^{i\frac{Ht}{\hbar}}X e^{-i\frac{Ht}{\hbar}} \tag{2.1}$$ $$P(t) = e^{i\frac{Ht}{\hbar}}P e^{-i\frac{Ht}{\hbar}} \tag{2.2}$$
it can be found that
$$X(t)=\left(X-\frac{qE_0}{m\omega^2}\cos\omega^{\prime}t\right)\cos\omega t + \frac{P}{m\omega}\sin\omega t + \frac{qE_0}{m\omega^2}\cos\omega^{\prime}t \tag{3.1}$$ $$P(t)= -m\omega\left(X-\frac{qE_0}{m\omega^2}\sin\omega^{\prime}t\right)\cos\omega t + P \cos\omega t \tag{3.2}$$
with the identity
$$e^{i\frac{Ht}{\hbar}}O e^{-i\frac{Ht}{\hbar}}=O + \left(\frac{it}{\hbar}\right)[H,O]+ \frac{1}{2!}\left(\frac{it}{\hbar}\right)^2[H,[H,O]]+\cdots \tag{4}$$
Eq.(3.1) has no free parameter left, how can I solve for X(t) from the initial condition?
Also, I tried to check if my result satisfy Heisenberg equation of motion:
$$\frac{dO_H(t)}{dt} = \frac{i}{\hbar}[H_H(t),O_H(t)]\tag{5}$$
and got $$\frac{dX(t)}{dt} = \frac{i}{\hbar}[H_H(t),O_H(t)]=\frac{P(t)}{m} \tag{6.1}$$ $$\frac{dP(t)}{dt} =\frac{i}{\hbar}[H_H(t),P_H(t)]= - m \omega^2\left(X - \frac{qE_0}{m\omega^2}\cos(\omega^{\prime}t)\right)\tag{6.2}$$
Plugging eq.(3.2) into eq.(6.1) does not give the time derivative version of eq.(3.1).
I can't find what's the problem in the above analysis.