I just started learning physics 3 days ago and am having trouble understanding what I am doing wrong. Can someone please explain my error(s)? Thanks!
We have a 1kg object on a plane at a 30 degree angle from horizontal. Force of friction is 1.5N. We are asked to calculate the net force.
I assume the object is moving along a line with negative slope (toward positive x and negative y quadrant). All vectors are as they would be interpreted in $\mathbb{R}^2$ Euclidean space.
I solved to get:
Force normal = [5.66, 9.8], I am assuming that the y component is 9.8N because otherwise the object would move vertically through the plane, right? I got to this assumption because I didn't understand how a vertical force, gravity, could cause motion at a non-vertical angle, so I assumed that the normal force must be pushing the object forward, rather than gravity pulling it forward.
- Force g = [0, -9.8]
- Force friction = [-1.3, .75]
adding to get
- Force net = [4.3, -.75]
which is a 4.42N force acting at 30 degree angle.
The book I am using says the force should be 3.4N. The book rotates the the x,y axes by 30 degrees, I don't really like their way. I feel my main problem is not properly understanding the relationship between the normal force and gravity, and how it leads to motion at an angle.