I have some questions on terminology used in QM & QFT and (pure mathematical) representation theory treating the concept of "spinor".
Let us focus on Dirac spinor as described in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirac_spinor:
By the article it's a complex bispinor $\psi =\left({\begin{array}{c}\psi _{L}\\\psi _{R}\end{array}}\right)$ which is a solution of Dirac equation $${\displaystyle \left(i\gamma ^{\mu }\partial _{\mu }-m\right)\psi =0\;}$$
with $\gamma^{\mu}$ gamma matrices and $\psi _{L}, \psi _{L}$ Weyl spinors from $(½,0)$ and $(0,½)$ representations of the $SO(1,3)$ group (the Lorentz group without parity transformations).
From point of view of (pure mathematical) representation theory spinors are elements of fundamental representation of the Clifford-algebra.
Short review of representation theory: consider an algebra $A$ and one is looking for a vector space $V$ say of dimension $n$ and a group homomorphism $\rho_A: A \to Mat_n(V)$.
Using this language spinors are images under map $\rho_{Cl}: Cl \to Mat_n(V)$ for certain Clifford algebra $Cl$ and certain $n$-dimensional vector space $V$. In other words representant elements in the matrix algebra of elements of $Cl$.
The problem is that comparing these two viewpoints if we fixing a point x$=(x_0,x_1,x_2,x_3)$ what is $\psi$(x) $ =\left({\begin{array}{c}\psi _{L}\\\psi _{R}\end{array}}\right)$(x) evaluated in x? An element of the image of an appropriate representation map $\rho$ (this would coinside with mathematical definition of a spinor) or an element of the vector space $V$ on which the images under $\rho$ act via $\rho$? But then calling $\psi$(x) a spinor would be misleading .
For sake of simplicity let us focus on the upper Weyl spinor $\psi _{L}$(x). By definition Weyl-Spinor-representation is the smallest (=fundamental) complex representation of $\operatorname {Spin} (1,3)$.
If this would be a "spinor" in usual sense there would be a representation map $\rho: \operatorname {Spin} (1,3) \to Mat_n(V)$ with certain vector space $V$ and $\psi _{L}$(x) would be contained in the image.
But why? $\psi _{L}$(x) is an element of $\mathbb{C}^2$ so intuitively it is an element of $V$ but thing violates the nomenclature.
Could anybody explain what I'm here confuse. Especially why the notation "spinor" for $\psi _{L}$(x) make here sense from mathematical viewpoint?