I would like to know what is the derivative of an expectation value with respect to the molecular state
$$\frac{d}{d\psi}\langle\psi| \hat{\mathbf{O}} | \psi\rangle$$
Note that here $|\psi\rangle$ is a complex column vector of length $S$ where each of its components depend on the space $q$ and $\hat{\mathbf{O}}$ is a complex $S \times S$ matrix which also depends on the space.
I other words I want to know what is $$\frac{d}{d\mathbf{\Psi}(q)}\int dq \mathbf{\Psi}^{\dagger}(q)\hat{\mathbf{O}}(q) \mathbf{\Psi}(q)$$
Is the answer
$$\frac{d}{d\mathbf{\Psi}(q)}\int dq \mathbf{\Psi}^{\dagger}(q)\hat{\mathbf{O}}(q) \mathbf{\Psi}(q) = \int dq \mathbf{\Psi}^{\dagger}(q)\hat{\mathbf{O}}(q) $$
correct ?