Principle of Relativity:
"An experimenter doing an experiment in an inertial frame of reference can never measure the velocity of its own frame of reference. OR a law of physics is never expressed (can never be expressed) in terms of the speed of the inertial reference frame in which it is valid".
This is a very general principle and should be applicable across all domains of physics. It was first stated by Galileo and then preserved by Einstein in Special theory of relativity. Einstein's second postulate "Constancy of speed of light in all inertial frame of reference" supports this principle of relativity. The speed of light is always $c$ (no more no less) when measured in all inertial reference frames and hence no body can find the velocity of his own frame of reference by measuring speed of incoming light. So far so good.
Sound wave have one similarity with light waves. Their velocities do not depend on the velocity of their sources. But velocity of sound unlike velocity of light do depend on the velocity of inertial reference frame of the listener. $$\text{Observed sound velocity:}\quad V(\text{measured}) = V(\text{sound}) +/- V(\text{listener}) \;.$$ So an observer or listener can determine its own velocity by measuring the velocity of sound (since we know that $V(\text{sound}) = 330 \,\text{meters/second}$).
So, is this not violation of principle of relativity?