The continuity equation is a good idea to use (but, to be warned here, won't really solve your problem. Here is why and what you still can state!): $\nabla \cdot \vec{j} = \partial_t \rho$. Two things you need to understand:
How to calculate the divergence
Let's look at your expression:
$$\nabla \cdot \vec{j}=\nabla \cdot (I(t)\delta(x)\delta(y)\vec{e_z})$$
is actually quite easy. If you don't understand the following steps, please read about the divergence, gradient and nabla-operator itself.
As we only have a z-component in the current, the equation reduces to
\begin{align}\nabla \cdot \vec{j} &= \partial_z \cdot (I(t)\delta(x)\delta(y)\vec{e_z}) \\
&= \partial_z I(t)
This is, for an infinite wire quite special, as there is no z-dependence. This of a smaller wire (connected to a capacitor for example) to make sense of the above.
How to get the charge density
This is equal to $-\partial_t \rho$. To get $\rho$, just integrate over time and we get:
\int dt \partial_z I(t) = \rho + constant
And this constant, from the integral, is the crucial part here (that others pointed out as well): You cannot determine the absolute charge, but only it's change. You will never be able to tell how much charge just sits there but does not move ($\partial_t \rho = 0$).
For your problem, as it is quite special with the infinite wire (actually, every closed wire has $\nabla \cdot \vec{j} = 0$), you will get
$$\rho = constant$$
yeah, well, at least a statement... Determining that constant is not possible by only knowing the current (1. order ODE -> 1 initial condition required like $\rho(t=0)=...$)
To avoid any confusion with currents:
there is no accumulation of charge if the current stays the same. It is true, that a current brings away charge, but also brings in the same amount. Only if the current brings away charge but none is brought in, the charge density will change with time. But this is a non-vanishing divergence of the current at that point (obviously, as a little bit before that point there is no current, after that point there is)