Speed is a scalar quantity which corresponds to the magnitude of velocity, so it must always be nonnegative.
In a general 2d motion, the tangential component of acceleration is given by the time derivative of speed: $$a_{tan} = \frac{d|\vec{v}|}{dt}$$
Now, consider the motion of a pendulum. When it reaches it highest position, the acceleration is exclusively tangential, since it has zero speed/velocity.
However, according to our equation for tangential acceleration, the derivative should be zero, since the pendulum's speed is at a local minimum. What is wrong here?
I can kind of make sense of this, if I think that speed "changed direction", so it went from positive to "negative" and there was no minimum at all. But this doesn't make sense if we are to consider speed to be a nonnegative scalar.
You could also think that the speed is still positive, but the tangential direction is now different, because the direction of motion has changed. But this explanation doesn't solve the problem of that derivative being supposedly zero.
So, how exactly can we make mathematical sense out of this? I've searched the internet, but usually this situation is tackled using dynamics and getting the acceleration from the forces acting on the pendulum.