In studying QFT and General Relativity, I came across two different definitions of Functional Derivative, and I'd like to know if they are equivalent.
- Firstly, in Wald's book General Relativity, as well as in other GR references (Baez), the variation of the action is given in terms of a "one-parameter family of field configurations $\psi_\epsilon$" and this family can be defined as $\psi_\epsilon = \psi_0+\epsilon\phi$, where $\phi$ is an arbitrary field. Then, the following definitions are made: $$d\psi_\epsilon/d\epsilon|_{\epsilon=0}:=\delta\psi \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \delta S:=\frac{d}{d\epsilon}S[\psi+\epsilon\phi]\Big|_{\epsilon=0}$$ where $S[\psi]$ is the functional of interest. Finally, the Functional Derivative $\delta S/\delta\psi(x)$ is defined as follows:
$$\delta S= \int \mathrm{d}^4x\frac{\delta S}{\delta\psi(x)}\phi(x) = \frac{d}{d\epsilon}S[\psi+\epsilon\phi]\Big|_{\epsilon=0}$$
- When I turn to a QFT reference, like Greiner's Field Quantization, the definition is practically the same, but the arbitrary field $\phi$ is now specified as $\delta^4(x-x')$. I understand that this specification can be interpreted as a variation at the position $x'$ alone, so that the integral can be seen as an analogous of $dS = \sum \frac{\partial S}{\partial x_i}dx_i$. It also seems important when dealing with Generating Functionals, but I haven't studied them yet, so I might be wrong.
I would like to know why is this specification ($\phi=\delta^4(x-x')$) made and if both definitions are equivalent.