I'm doing a small project on LIGO for a third-year project at University. I want to write something about how LIGO can be used to measure $H_0$, which would be useful because the current state of the literature is that local measurements (e.g Riess 2016) give values roughly 3.5 sigma above measurements that use CMBR or Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (e.g. Planck collaboration et al 2018). But they should be the same - unless there's new Physics we don't understand yet.
I've seen this called 'the biggest crisis in astrophysics' in popular science videos and articles. I've seen it spoken about by people seemingly at the top of the field.
Then I find this paper;
"First Cosmological Results using Type Ia Supernovae from the Dark Energy Survey: Measurement of the Hubble Constant"
Which seems to sort everything out - if these results are good, all that remains is to determine what the systematic error in the old experiments is and move on.
However, I can't see many other people celebrating this as the important article I think is. Why are people not paying attention to it?
Sorry, I'm very new to this stuff, I'm still an undergrad, not really sure how the 'politics' of writing papers is and what being a professional scientist is like.