In my preparation for the exam I tried to solve the exercise 2.4 in Coleman's Introduction to Many-Body Physics. I like diagonalizing Hamiltonian, so I picked this problem. Also to learn more about coherent states, which we just accidentally discussed.
In this problem one has the bosonic Hamiltonian \begin{align} H = \omega \left( a ^ { \dagger } a + \frac { 1 } { 2 } \right) + \frac { 1 } { 2 } \Delta \left( a ^ { \dagger } a ^ { \dagger } + a a \right) \end{align} and transforms it with the Bogoliubov transformation \begin{align} \begin{aligned} b & = u a + v a ^ { \dagger } \\ b ^ { \dagger } & = u a ^ { \dagger } + v a \end{aligned} \end{align} to \begin{align} H = \tilde { \omega } \left( b ^ { \dagger } b + \frac { 1 } { 2 } \right) \end{align} This is done by $\tilde \omega = \frac{1}{2uv} \Delta$. Now the coherent state comes into play:
The Hamiltonian has a boson pairing term. Show that the ground state of $H$ can be written as a coherent condensate of paired bosons, given by \begin{align} | \tilde { 0 } \rangle = e ^ { - \alpha \left( a ^ { \dagger } a ^ { \dagger } \right) } | 0 \rangle \end{align} Calculate the value of $\alpha$ in terms of $u$ and $v$. (Hint: $ | \tilde { 0 } \rangle $ is the vacuum for $b$, i.e. $ b | \tilde { 0 } \rangle = \left( u a + v a ^ { \dagger } \right) | \tilde { 0 } \rangle = 0 $. Calculate the commutator of $ \left[ a , e ^ { - \alpha a ^ { \dagger } a ^ { \dagger } } \right] $ by expanding the exponential as a power series. Find a value of $\alpha$ that guarantees that $b$ annihilates the vacuum $ | \tilde { 0 } \rangle$.)
- Why is this a coherent state? - I don't know much about coherent states, but basically it means that $ \hat { a } | \alpha \rangle = \alpha | \alpha \rangle $. So I don't see this condition being fulfilled. They state it's the ground state because $b$ annihilates the vacuum and simultaneously it should be the coherent state. But Wikipedia says:
Physically, this formula ($ \hat { a } | \alpha \rangle = \alpha | \alpha \rangle $) means that a coherent state remains unchanged by the annihilation of field excitation or, say, a particle.
As far as I understood this, the coherent state shouldn't be zero after application of $b$.
- How to calculate the commutator? - I tried the following: $$ \left[ a , \mathrm { e } ^ { - \alpha a ^ { \dagger } a ^ { \dagger } } \right] = \left[ a , \sum _ { k = 0 } ^ { \infty } \frac { \left( - \alpha a ^ { \dagger } a ^ { \dagger k } \right) } { k ! } \right] = \left[ a , - \alpha a ^ { \dagger } a ^ { \dagger } + \frac { \alpha ^ { 2 } } { 2 } \left( a ^ { \dagger } a ^ { \dagger } \right) ^ { 2 } + \ldots \right] = - 2 \alpha a ^ { \dagger } - 2 \alpha ^ { 2 } \left( a ^ { \dagger } \right) ^ { 3 } - \ldots $$ After this I cannot compute the next element in the sum and didn't know how to continue.