$$H = -\sum\limits_{i,j} A_{ij} c_i^{\dagger} c_j + \frac{U}{2} \sum\limits_i(c_i^\dagger c_i)(c_i^\dagger c_i -1)$$ is defined to be a Hamiltonian for modelling the quantum random walk of identical particles on a graph (i.e., the Hubbard Model). A particle can make a transition from one vertex to another if there is an edge between them and a double-occupancy charge $U$ is imposed. $A$ is the adjacency matrix of the finite graph.
I vaguely understand that the first term is about transitioning from vertex j to i (i.e. destroyed at j and created at i) and the second term will result in $U$ when acted on a state where two particles occupy the same state.
How do I make this understanding rigorous and obtain the matrix elements of $H$ when there are two bosonic particles in some vertices initially? What corresponds to the energy, and eigenfunctions of $H$?