I am tasked with finding $\psi (x)$ of the following piecewise function:
This function obviously appears to not be differentiable, but am asked to consider it to approximate to a smooth wavefunction. I am asked to sketch this $\psi(x)$ pertaining to this function.
Firstly, I believe I (rightly) described this function with piecewise as:
$$\mid \Psi(x) \mid^2 \ = \begin{cases} 2.5*10^{19}x+\frac{1}{2*10^{-10}}, & \text{$(-2*10^{-10}) \le x \le 0$} \\ -2.5*10^{19}x+\frac{1}{2*10^{-10}}, & \text{$0 \le x \le (2*10^{-10})$} \end{cases}$$
We are then asked to assume that $\psi(x)$ is real only.
However, I feel a bit weird about my sketch for $\psi(x)$. I'll type it here. I'll also simplify the mess for my piecewise function a bit above.
$$ \psi(x) \ = \begin{cases} \sqrt{2.5*10^{19}x+\frac{1}{2*10^{-10}}}, & \text{$(-2*10^{-10}) \le x \le 0$} \\ \sqrt{-2.5*10^{19}x+\frac{1}{2*10^{-10}}}, & \text{$0 \le x \le (2*10^{-10})$} \end{cases} $$
However, due to the extremely high gradients of this function, trying to graph it ends up basically approximating $\psi(x) = \delta (x)$, Where $\delta(x)$ is the dirac delta function. However, this seems to take away the piecewise nature of this function, and, given $\psi(x)$, I can't seem to understand how normalizing it would bring me back to $\mid \Psi(x) \mid^2$ as I would need to. Perhaps the devil's in the details, and this isn't truly the dirac delta function? I just would have to state this is the function's arguments and basically draw it as the dirac delta function?
How should I approach this sketch? And how can this end up resembling $\mid \Psi(x) \mid^2$? I'm essentially not confident with my work but I'm not sure what I did wrong.