Suppose that we have a QFT that has $n$ number of physical coupling constants, or there are $n$ coupling constants required to perturbatively renormalize the given QFT.
Suppose this QFT to be an effective field theory of some unification theory. Is it possible that this unification theory has number of coupling constants less than the given QFT?
That is, can some number of coupling constants be artifacts of us trying to look at IR physics, and not fundamental to be absorbed by more fundamental coupling constants?
This question is asked because, in renormalization, we usually talk of some coupling constants of a hypothetical unifying theory vanishing as we lower our energy scale to the scale of the given effective field theory. In this view, it seems as if we think of this hypothetical unifying theory as having a larger number of coupling constants than the effective field theory. But is this because we want to more conveniently look at IR physics, and not because the number of coupling constants has any fundamental significance?