In compressed sensing MRI (cSENSE MRI) technology the idea seems to entail sampling from the Fourier domain (k space) in a way that, when transformed to the wavelet domain ("sparsification"), the sparsity is maximized.
The inverse recovery problem becomes exact provided that $\mu$ is small:
$$\mu \left( \mathcal F W^\top \right)=\max_{i,j}\vert \langle W_i, \mathcal F_j\rangle \vert$$
i.e. the dot products of the column of the Fourier transform and wavelet transform are minimal ("mutual incoherence").
The idea seems to stem from this paper by Candes, Romberg and Tao.
In the wavelet domain the coefficients include scale and translation, while in Fourier space the coefficients belong to different frequencies without temporal support.
I would like to confirm that there is indeed a triple step: First (partially) filling in k-space with Fourier coefficients; second, randomly sampling these coefficients; and third, transforming them to wavelet space in each MRI image acquisition. Or in other words, does the sparsity transformation results from undersampling of k-space, or moving from Fourier to wavelet, or both:
And if this is the case, how does the step from Fourier to wavelet takes place (a reference would be OK).
Or, contrarily, whether the signal is primarily analyzed as wavelets?