Taking 3-D Minkowski spacetime line element in General Relativity:
$$ds^2=-c^2dt^2+dx^2+dy^2+dz^2, $$
when considering a change into spherical coordinates leads to:
In several books, it is said that this is still Euclidean flat-space time, for it is only a change of coordinates speaking about the same as in Euclidean plane... but my big inquiry is under what point of view is this still flat, since the Levi-Civita connection $\Gamma^{\alpha}_{\,\,\beta\lambda}$ for this new space-time is not zero for some components. Are these symbols equal to zero a necessary condition for giving flat space-time?
I have not computed the components of the Riemann tensor for the polar coordinates spacetime, yet. But it is easy to see that for Cartesian coordinates they are equal to zero. If they were nonzero, does this assume that the deviation of geodesics equal to zero is still obeyed? From since I can remember, if the components of the Riemann tensor $R^{\alpha}_{\,\,\beta\mu\nu}$ are all zero, you get deviation zero and you can talk about Euclidean, flat space-time. Also, I can remember that if the Ricci scalar $R=0$ if and only if flat space-time is given. Am I correct?