Lets have a problem: suppose we need to calculate reduced matrix element of some transition of a particle from some higher-order spin(or rather total angular momentum state, it does not really matter, it does not really matter how the particle does it - the only change when talking about a particular model is in the actual form of the hamiltonian, which is not important here - the problem is independent of the particular hamiltonian tensor model, it is just important, that the hamiltonian is rank 2 spherical tensor) state ($j=\{4,6,8,...\}$) to a ground state ($|j=0,m=0\rangle$) using a tensor Hamiltonian $\hat{H}=\hat{H}^2_m$. According to Wigner-Eckart theorem, it holds, that $$\langle j_f,m_f|\hat{H}^j_m|j_i,m_i\rangle=\langle j_i, j, m_i, m|j_f,m_f\rangle \langle j_f||\hat{H}^j||j_i\rangle$$ However, if we set $j=2$, then the clebsh-gordan coefficient for any $j_i>2$ (and any $m, m_i$) is zero. In this case, we can not use Wigner-Eckart theorem, because we would be dividing by zero, hence we get no information on reduced matrix element of this transition through it.
How can one compute a reduced matrix element of any transition if the CG coefficient is zero?