$$c\left(\alpha _i\right.{\cdot P + \beta mc) \psi = E \psi } $$ From the above dirac equation it can be shown for zero momenta that spin and antimatter are associated with $\beta $.
On the other hand, how are each of the momenta $P_x$,$P_y$,$P_z$ associated with $\alpha _1$,$\alpha _2$,$\alpha _3$? I mean does each $\alpha _1$,$\alpha _2$,$\alpha _3$ correspond directly with $P_x$,$P_y$,$P_z$ ?
are they related to the Four-Momenta $P_4$ of Minkowski space, and can I write $P_4$ as
$$ \left( \begin{array}{c} E/c \\ p_x \\ p_y \\ p_z \end{array} \right) $$
I understand they are covariant, which follows naturally from the Dirac equation, but I just can't see how $\alpha _1$,$\alpha _2$,$\alpha _3$ operate to yield the momentum $P_x$,$P_y$,$P_z$.